Daily Inspiration: If Your Dude has a Fresh Look and Taste...


A man's (whether he be straight, gay, bi) sense of fashion says a lot about other personality traits of his that can either be a hit or miss, depending on what your preferences are. But to cut to the chase, if you care about fashion and style as much as I do, you're going to be attracted to guys who care about their look too and put that effort in where it counts when it comes to being up-to-date in trends and getting dressed for an occasion that calls for more that just a T-shirt and jeans. 

BY NO MEANS HOWEVER should his outfit ever outshine yours, because then it's just all bad. Not only do you end up questioning how attached he is to his mother (and if she even dressed him for that matter...) and you are left there to think to yourself if you dressed too casual or if his mother really did dress him. Search and find that fine line ladies, it will help everyone out in the end.

As for who we can definitely determine that Mummy is no where in sight in his life, is the  gorgeous and lickable Brit Clément Lasserre whose male fashion sense is something I lust over (including him of course). 

His outfit of the day shoots have been gaining quite the popularity among Tumblr and Lookbook.nu users. And there is no question why this is so...just look for yourself at his dope wardrobe that he so effortlessly flaunts by clicking the photo above :)


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