Daily Inspiration: Lauren Winzer and her BAMF Tattoo Work

recent tattoos by Lauren Winzer of Hunter and Fox Tattoo in Sydney, Australia.

Nostalgic, mystical, colorful, mermaids on acid...just a few of the many words used to describe the bad ass tattoo artwork of female Australian tattoo artist, Lauren Winzer. It is undeniable that her talent with the needle and ink is like nothing seen in the tattoo art world. Her branding the human flesh with the vibrant colorful geometric designs and illustrations will instantly remind anyone who was a kid during the 90’s what being a kid was all about: trying to make fantasy into a reality no matter how many MATEL products were bought and coloring books were scribbled in.
Follow her by clicking the photo above!
She is constantly updating her content with new pieces. I’m literally obsessed with her work! 


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