Acacia + Big Island (2010)

Here's the background on Acacia, or as I know her, KC: She is my oldest friend who I have known since I was six months old. She is about to graduate from UCSD!! She is a certified hoolah-hooper and fire hooper as well. She and her high school sweetheart are getting married this September (I still have no idea what in the hell I'm going to wear.......but that's a whole other post), and did I mention she isn't even 21 yet?! She is such an inspiration to everyone who knows her and I couldn't be more proud to call her my friend and practically family. When I came across the archives of our photoshoot, after a year of not looking at this reel whatsoever, back in August 2010 on the Big Island of Hawaii when her family visited my family. She and I explored the Kona side beaches and while looking over these shots I definitely found some new favorites that I overlooked before. #winning #congratsacacia


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